Company name: Profinyomtatá Ltd.
Seat: Tétényi út 29., HU-1119 Budapest, Hungary (only administrative)
Mailing address, office, producing, centre: Közraktár u. 1-3., HU-7623 Pécs, Hungary
- Address: Közraktár u. 1-3., HU-7623 Pécs, Hungary
- E-mail:
- Authority which has registered: Metropolitan Court of Registration
- VAT number: HU23395338
Data of hosting service:
- Name: Mr. Andor Tamás
- Address: Közraktár u. 1-3., HU-7623 Pécs, Hungary
- Phone: +36 70 362 6499
- E-mail:
Settlements of disputes:
Conciliation Board of Budapest
- Address: Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310., HU-1016 Budapest, Hungary
- Mailing address: P.O.B.: 10., HU-1253 Budapest, Hungary
- Phone: +36 1/488-2131
- E-mail:
Conciliation Board of Baranya County
- Address: Majorossy Imre u. 36., HU-7625 Pécs, Hungary
- Mailing address: P.O.B.: 109., HU-7602 Pécs, Hungary
- Tel: +36 (72) 507-154
- Fax: + 36 (72) 507-152
- E-mail: